Cherry Hard Cider

Cherry Hard Cider
Washington Gold Cider

3.0 1 rating
5.5% Sweet Semi-sweet
Added: January, 2018

Washington Gold Cherry Hard Cider sits regally in its tall bottle, the signature Washington Gold pick-up truck and cherries are etched into the glass and gleam gold against the rich, bold and bright red of the cider, reminiscent of a gold jewel-encrusted king’s crown dazzled with rubies. The cider pours with a soft effervescent crackle, the red shining through once the white foam has dissipated and the cider has settled, the color marking the cider undeniably as cherry. Upon opening, the sturdy scent of freshly-picked autumn apples wafts up with confidence, hitting the nose with the warm familiarity of brightly colored leaves and crisp fall air. The cherry scrumpy runs like red satin down the throat—smooth and uninterrupted. The semi-sweet, sugar-kissed apple flavor hits first, and then transitions and finishes dry as it reveals a hint of tart, ripe cherry.


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January, 2018
753 ratings