Oregon Marionberry

Oregon Marionberry

4.0 1 rating
6.1% Dry
Added: April, 2019

Berry cider is popular, but not all are made equal. Instead of using berry concentrates and extracts, Swift uses whole Oregon-grown Marionberries that are pureed and blended with a base of hard cider before aging. By giving the cider extended contact with berry skins, we get more intense flavor and aroma without picking up the excessive sweetness that you would get from a concentrate. The Marionberry is bold and fruity. We love drinking it with spicy curries, citrusy salads, and chocolaty desserts.


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April, 2019
747 ratings
Dry Bottle Slightly carbonated

Surprisingly dry for a berry cider, which is a really pleasant surprise. Has a really unique flavor unlike other berry ciders. I feel like I can taste a bit of rhubarb