Northern Neighbour Saskatoon Cuvée

Northern Neighbour Saskatoon Cuvée
JK's Farmhouse Ciders

4.0 1 rating
5.5% Sweet
Added: January, 2018

From JK's Farmhouse Ciders - We invite you to celebrate a collaboration of a few passionate American and Canadian farmers. The fruits of their labour are presented in this bottle, a family reunion of sorts. This delightful cider is made from Michigan apples and a unique Canadian prairie apple, the Saskatoon. Gathered by J.K. from family orchards in Michigan and Saskatchewan, this natural cider has been carefully fermented here at Almar Orchards using our tradicional methods. We hope you enjoy sharing this cider that knows no borders with friends, family, and neighbours.


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March, 2018
749 ratings
Sweet Bottle